DraftKings Welcome Bonuses and Promotions

by | Feb 4, 2025 | Latest Promos, Sports Promotions

We have the latest information on DraftKings’ Welcome Bonuses and Promotions currently available.

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DraftKings’ Promotions

DraftKings PromoPromotion DetailPromo Code
Welcome BonusReceive a FREE $3 ticket in to a paid contestNo Promo Code - Click to Redeem
Requirements: To receive the welcome bonus, you must be a new user and sign-up for an account. You must also make an initial deposit of $5 or more.

Expires: Valid for 1 year
Frequent Player Points - Loyalty ProgramBuy free contest tickets with your FPPs.No Promo Code - Click to Redeem
Each $1 spent on entry fees, earns you 1 FPP. The more you play the quicker you earn free tickets.
Daily MissionsEarn Frequent Players Points when you complete daily missionNo Promo Code - Click to Redeem
Earn FPPs even faster with Daily Missions. These FPPs can be combined with your FPPs earned from entering paid contests.

How do I claim the DraftKings Welcome Bonus?

DraftKings’ Welcome Bonus requires no promo code. All you need to do is Sign up for a new DraftKings account and make an initial deposit of at least $5. Once you make your deposit, you can claim your FREE ticket to enter any $3 paid contest. This gives you a chance to win free money.

You have up to one year to claim this ticket.

Can I win anything with the Free $3 Ticket?

Yes, you definitely have a chance to win real money. Depending on which $3 paid contests you choose to enter, you can win up to $100,000 – $250,000 in cash.

How do I Create an Account?

Getting started and creating a DraftKings account is simple. You have 2 options to setup an account. The quickest way to get started is by linking it to your Facebook account. It will take you to a screen to fill in your Facebook login credentials. Once you log in successfully to Facebook, your DraftKings account will now be linked to your Facebook account.

The second option is to fill in the sign-up form with some personal information. You will need to provide the following personal info:

The info required for the form are:

  • Username
  • Email
  • Password
  • Country
  • State
  • Date of Birth

Promo code is optional and not needed to receive your $3 Free Ticket.

Once you have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, select the checkbox to confirm you agree.

Now that your form is ready, hit the “Submit” button. You will now receive an email confirmation.

Remember, the final step to qualify for the Welcome Bonus, is to make an initial deposit of $5 or more. Read the next section to learn about making your first deposit.

DraftKings Sign-up Form

How do I make a deposit?

To make your first deposit, or any deposit thereafter, you need to be logged into your account.

You will need to select the amount you wish to deposit. You can quickly choose the $25, $100, $250 or $600 option. If you wish to deposit another amount, select “Other”. Just a note, in order to receive your welcome Bonus you must deposit $5 or more.

When you make a deposit, you must use either a credit card or PayPal to fund your account. For credit cards your options are Visa, MasterCard and Discover. If you want to use your American Express you can use your PayPal account to add money to you DraftKings account. PayPal also lets you fund your deposit with your bank checking account.

A good thing to know about your account balance, is that you can withdraw your cash funds immediately. No need to wait for the season to end or meet a rollover requirement for a promotion.

Depositing into your DraftKings' Account

Does DraftKings Offer a Loyalty Program?

DraftKings offers a loyalty program, that rewards players from entering paid contests. From the moment you enter your first paid contest, you earn what is called Frequent Player Points, often referred to as FPPs throughout DraftKings.

The rate at which you earn FPPs is at a 1-to-1 ratio. That means, for every $1 you spend on a paid contest entry fee, you will receive 1 FPP in return. If you spend $50 to enter a contest, you will get 50 FPPs credited to your FPP balance. If you enter a free contest, you will get 0 FPPs.

You can then use your FPPs to purchase tickets to paid contests, giving you a chance to win cash prizes again with your free loyalty points.

The higher your entry fee, or the more paid contests you enter, the quiker you’ll see your FPP Balance increase.

DraftKings' FPP Balance

Completing Daily Missions for FPPs

DraftKings gives an additional way to earn FPPs even faster through “Daily Missions”. The missions are often simple to earn the FPP rewards. One of the common ones is entering a paid contest of $1 or higher. The FPPs you’re rewarded are often at a higher rate than 1-to-1 you get for paid entries. So if you play everyday, just one contest that meets the Daily Mission requirement, you will see this is the quickest way to earn FPPs.

The FPPs you earned from Daily Mission are the same as those earned through paid contests, so they will be added to the same FPP balance.

Daily Mission can only be completed once a day and usually need to be completed by Midnight EST everyday.

Earn FPPs through Daily Missions

Buying Tickets with my FPPs

To purchase contest tickets with your FPP balance, you must go to the DraftKings’ Shop. If you are unfamiliar where this is, click on your profile in the top right, then in the drop down menu, click on the DraftKings’ shop link.

Now that you’re in the shop, you can view all the contest tickets to paid contests you can purchase with your FPP balance. The current exchange rate for $1 in contest tickets is 550 in FPPs. Tickets to paid contest start as low as $0.25, or 150 in FPPs.

These tickets to paid contests give you an opportunity to win free money. Whether you play frequently or occasionally, you can quickly turn your FPPs into another opportunity to compete again for money prizes.

Purchase contest tickets with FPPs

How Does DraftKings Work?

DraftKings offers contest that are either free or paid. Both giving you the chance to win money prizes. In all contests, they are first come first serve so once you find one you like, it is best to get your roster in early. Once you set your roster, you will be competing against those pool of players only.

Depending on the type of contest you select, there are different scoring rules. The type of contest also affects the number of people that can finish in the payout bracket, as well as the amount of payout you will receive. For exact details about the rules and payout, make sure to read the “Contest Rules” and “Details and “scoring” tabs for each individual contest. This will also affect the strategy you use to fill out your line-up. Contests are usually 24-hours in length for most sports, while some are up to 1 week in duration.

Winning in Daily Fantasy Sports is easier than you may think, since you do not have to finish in first to win cash prizes. Depending on the type of contest you enter, you will see that some contests can have a distribution of cash prizes for nearly half the contestants, with a payout that decreases as you finish lower in the rankings.

Just like regular fantasy sports leagues, you can use your sports knowledge of players and teams to outwit other players in your contest. So make sure to study the rules and take your time to create the best roster that you feel gives you a better shot to win.

If you are new to daily fantasy sports, you can search for “Beginners” contests that allows you get your feet wet. The best thing about “Beginners” is that you are competing with similar skilled players, as this is only available to players with less than 50 contests enter.

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